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Organic City Roast

Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? Though we're known for our luscious dark roasts, this blend will put us on the light roast map. This was a collaborative effort with our Wolf Pack community, and after several test batches and tweaks, we've landed on a balanced blend that captures the essence of a light roast while not abandoning the medium roast drinker. With a myriad of pleasant aromatics and tasting notes of roasted berry, nutmeg, and hazelnut, this coffee is sure to bring joy to your caffeine consuming experience.

Texture - Whole Bean*

*Please note that we will only ship coffee whole bean for maximum freshness.  The moment you grind coffee it begins to quickly degrade in flavor.  Also, we use generic grind sizes that may not be best for your machine.  We always recommend grinding fresh for yourself!  We do offer our suggested grinder from Baratza, here.